Ruby and Miss Newton – 2014 © Colehaus Cats
Here I am, trying to help mom take a photo of me and as usual, someone else had to poke their head in the picture. I’m pretty sure my sister, Miss Newton, wasn’t trying to grab attention – she’s a super nice sister, not like that Tessa or Olivia who both think I’m some kind of wind up toy to chase! I AM NOT A TOY!

I am NOT a toy! – 2014 © Colehaus Cats
Where was I? Oh yeah, ME! So I just filled out paperwork for the right to take more photos of me next year. Next year? I can’t be bothered to think about next week, not without the proper amount of sleep beforehand, er, beforepaw, that is. And that’s not counting the pre-sleep naps! That sister Olivia, boy, does she ever take the job of secretary seriously! All organized papers on a clipboard and a bunch of jibberjabber speak that said I don’t know what. I did recognize the words, “Ruby Tuesday” though… so who knows? Maybe I should have asked for representation. But anyway, I put my paw on them – did just a little bitey on the corner because…. PAPER! And then, handed them back.
Looking back now… whoa! Do you think I did the right thing? Gosh! I hope I didn’t sign my life away!

Ruby rethinks her decision – 2014 © Colehaus Cats
Ruby we think you made the right decision. More pictures of you!
Ruby we think Olivia is jealous because you are so photogenic and we suggest you don’t sit the way the photographers want you to and they may turn their attention to one of your siblings.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Those are terrific photos! Thanks for the purrs and for Sister Zoe, we sure do appreciate them.
Oh geez, Juby, you always need a mouthpiece before you sign anything. For all you know, you just married Quint! Have a great weekend.
ruby…if de papers ewe signed iz any thing like placin a vote durin de electionz….we can tell ewe…..uh….hhmmmmmm…oh kay then
a happee herring & halibut kinda week oh end two all ♥
We just hope there was a “claws” about your retaining editorial control…
Boy, we’d love it if there was a little more Ruby in our Tuesdays!
We think you made the right decision too. Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly
Ruby, you had me laughing out loud here at the office! Your cutie face is lovely to see, so I think you’ve made the right decision.
Cute as ever. Have a purrfect weekend over there.
but you still looked lovely,xx Speedy
I love to see your gorgeous face. Glad you pawed the agreement for another year!
HOly CAT, Ruby! Did you consult with your legal adviser first???
Yes, I say editorial control is a must!
We definitely want more photos of you. You are beautiful, cute and funny all rolled into one. Astrid feels you pain. her sisters also think she is a wind-up toy to be stalked and chased. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
I definitely wanna see more pictures of you!
Your pictures are so cute, especially the last one.
Fico contente que você não pensou muito, foi logo colocando a pata hehehe Estamos ansiosos para ver mais fotos suas, querida Ruby!
I’m sure someone will help you if it comes to that, Ruby!
Ruby we think you made the right decision because we want to see lots of pictures of you!
More photos of you is *definitely* a good thing, Ruby!